What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a collective term for targeted, measurable, and interactive marketing activities using digital technologies. 

Commonly used to promote brands, services or products to ensure the desired demographic is reached, leads are generated and converted into clients.  Digital Marketing helps build an online community and an online presence to attract and retain clients.

It is more than just Social Media Marketing via Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. See it as an umbrella under which SEO, SEM, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Email Direct Marketing and many other marketing tools fall.  Everyday more digital marketing tools / activities are created and added to this collective group.


SMM | Email Marketing | Pay-per-Click | Content Marketing

Businesses often struggle to keep everything afloat, let alone stay up to date with trends and activities. Your audience is online 24/7, shouldn’t your business be?

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote for your website and digital needs or if you need a marketing consultant to explain the various website and digital marketing options to you.


“Digital Marketing opens various channels previously inaccessible when using traditional marketing methods.  Making use of DM you are able to analyse and change marketing efforts in real time, giving you more control over your ROI and Marketing Spent.” – JvD